Rob's Dogs - About Us Robs Dogs - About Us UPDATED | Page 3
• We aim to fund-raise and disburse funds to groups performing free
sterilizations for Street Dogs, around the World.
• Our activities will be primarily focused on the sterilization of street dogs and
dogs belonging to low income owners.
• Our service is to fund various animal welfare groups around the world who
are working to reduce the population of unwanted street dogs by running
on the ground sterilization programs.
• Community benefit is to low income dog owners and street dogs in various
locations around the world.
• Why is Rob’s Dogs needed PETA estimates that one un-sterilized female
dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in just six years!
• Duration of our project while Rob’s estate is a limited amount of funds we
plan to fundraise independently to enable us to continue our work on an
ongoing basis.