Rob's Dogs - About Us Robs Dogs - About Us UPDATED | Page 2
Rob's Dogs started unofficially way back in 2013 when Rob's widow
visited Bali & was deeply disturbed by the neglect and abuse of
street dogs there.
In early 2014 Rebecca moved to Bali to volunteer with BARC (Bali
Adoption & Rehabilitation Center).
It was during her time in Bali that Rebecca realized that the root of all
the problems was unwanted dogs, if we could sterilize more dogs,
then less dogs would be born to suffer life of neglect on the streets.
Rebecca focused most of her efforts during this time on BARCs
sterilization program.
She stayed with BARC until mid 2016, when she moved with her
rescue Dog to the small Island of Koh Samui in Thailand.
On Koh Samui she met up with a Russian Vet & her boyfriend who
had started their own small group Pariah Dog Koh Samui, their main
focus was sterilizing!
Rebecca joined them and got some hands on experience in actually
performing sterilizations.
We have decided to formalize the work that Rebecca has been doing
with her time & the money left from Rob's estate by creating Rob's
Rob's Dog will fund-raise and disburse funds to groups performing
free sterilizations for Street Dogs.