Road Less Taken 1 | Page 15

my orthopedist brought in another orthopedist to assist in the surgery. I had to sanitize with wipes the night before the surgery and the morning of. They prepped me for surgery including these little circles that would monitor my nerves and everything to make sure they didn’t hit anything major. They wheeled me into the operation room where I got to see the operating table, which was like a massage table with a dip in the middle the long ways. Then one of the many nurses that I didn’t take the time to count stuck me with an IV, and I was out shortly after that. The surgery took about five and a half hours total with two eleven inch bars in my back and a bunch of staples down my back.

I was in the hospital for five days. The first day I was bed ridden and was on a liquid diet. The second day I was visited by physical therapy. They showed me how to sit up because I had to do it differently then I used to. Then they stuck a nylon safety belt so they could help lift me up off the edge of the bed, and with the help of a walker I walked a total of one step. The third, fourth, and fifth days however was much easier walking but I still had to use a walker. While I was in the hospital they had me on a morphine drip, which works by pressing a button when you want more medicine. It is actually not used anymore because the machine would have to play catch-up if you fell asleep or something. I hated the morphine drip and thankfully they switched me to regular pills after a few days. Before the