of opportunity. The digital transformation of guest
experience starts by asking new questions. Success
comes by seeing modern guests in a new light,
exploring alternative markets for inspiration, tracking
how emerging technology trends impact consumer
behavior, and learning to blaze new trails others will
be forced to follow.
Key Takeaways: The Modern Guest
Experience Blueprint
Hospitality is a high-tech and high-touch
industry. GX (from the guest’s perspective)
is expected to be high-tech and high-touch.
at scale. Meaningful transformation and the resulting
constructs for guest experience shouldn’t wholly be
built upon legacy foundations. Legacy foundations
are usually where we start, but that means our
“thinking outside the box” is happening in a familiar
paradigm, which is not the unfamiliar territory where
new possibilities can be invented. Future customers
are not rooted in legacy. Favorite devices, apps, and
services influence them and how they value brands,
products, and services. Those who build on blank
canvases create the future, because they start with the
questions: What if? and Why can’t we…?
Hospitality brands no longer compete only against
traditional rivals. Competition comes from any
service that delivers exceptional experiences. Modern
commerce brands, including Uber, Airbnb, Starbucks,
Amazon, and even Domino’s are raising the stakes
for what used to be “good enough,” while also
raising customer expectations to demand exceptional,
personalized experiences in every step of their journey.
The digital transformation of guest experience is
as much about creativity and imagination as it is
technology, people, and process. Now, it’s time to get
to work to improve the guest experience as it exists
today and also develop the blueprint for the guest
experience of tomorrow.
The future GX needs re-imagination, ingenuity,
and new technologies to bring improvements
and ideas to life.
To get there, architects must observe the existing
guest experiences versus what they really prefer.
They must compare these experiences to those of
other industries offering guest journeys, which are
reshaping customers’ preferences and behaviors.
Apply those insights to deliver a meaningful and
unforgettable guest journey and experience. In the
process, successful brands will modernize products
and offerings, deliver innovative value propositions
and solutions, and create agile models for business,
systems, and operations. That’s the basis for
cementing next-generation customer loyalty. Dated
technologies and processes won’t open new doors
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