rivista di stile Volume one | Page 5

Public place retailer

A public place retailer is a retiler which don't a specific type of shop usuall small and in train stations, duty free and museums shops. These tend to be shops which only sell a small range of products for a quick buy.

Non profitable retailer

A non profitable retailer is a retailer whom sells products for not profitable reasons. A non profitable retailer would be e.g. The British Heart Foundation, who donates their profits to the charity. All of the money earned by or donated to a not-for-profit organization is used in pursuing the organization's objectives and keeping it running.

Read more: Not For Profit Definition | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/not-for-profit.asp#ixzz4Pidhrvfr

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Online store

An online store is a retailer who operates online. Products would be bought online an delivered not able to actually physically see the product in real life before buying. Buying items through the internet has become extremely popular as it has such easy access and most retailers do have an online store.