Classification of retailers
Classification of department store John Lewis. John Lewis is an english brand. Owned by a a partnership called 'JLP' , it is a private limited company which means it doesn't sel shares of the company on the stock exchange
However employees own stakes within the company and it John Lewis makes a profit within that year the stakeholders get a certain percentage ie a big bonus.
With John Lewis being a department store it has a very large turnover being £9,748800,000, John Lewis is usually a large store. However there are smaller stores it depends on the amount of employees in that certain store.
John Lewis is a non food store however it does sell fod products but seasonal such as candycanes for christmas.
The pricing policy in which John Lewis does use is premium and also psychological pricing. An example of psychological would be £6.99, the 99p makes the customer feel as though they're getting it much cheaper than £7
which would persuade the customer to buy the product.
The range of merchandise which John Lewis provides is technology, womanswear, menswear, kids, beauty, homwear and furniature.
Location of John Lewis is usually in shopping malls such as Bluewater, or retail parks which are out of town. John Lewis's flagship store in London is on Oxford Street. Finally the method of customer contact is face to face, online and through emails.