21 Nilsson , M . P ., A History of Greek Religion , ed . Oxford University Press , New York 1949 , eh . III . 22 Aristotle , Poetics 1449a . 23 Plato , laws 687B . 24 See Sophocles , Oedipus Tyrannus , v . 873 . 25 Aristotle , Poetics 1450a . 26 IBEM , Athenian Constitution LVI . 27 Idem , Poefics 1449a . 28 Hegel , G . W . F ., Science of Logic ( Engl . Trans . A . V . Miller ), ed . Alien and Union Press , London , 1977 , §§ 84-89 . 29 Freud , S ., Totem and Taboo ( Eng . Trans . J . Strachey ), ed . Routledge & Kegan Paul , New York 1950 , § 4 . 30Marx , K ., Engels , Fr ., The German Ideology , ed . International Publishers , New York , eh . I . 31 Hegel , G . W . F ., The Phenomenology ofMind ( Engl . Trans . J . B . Baillie ), ed . Harper & Row ’ s Torchbooks , New York 1967 , eh . A . 32 Engels , Fr ., Dialectics of Nature , in Marx and Engels , Selected Works , ed . Lawrence & Wishart , London 1950 , voi . I , pp . 413-414 . 33 Aristotle , Metaphysics 1023b . 34 IDEM , Nicomachean Ethics 1140a . 35 IDEM ,. Poetfcsl449b .