River Island Festival River island festival | Page 18



Inspiration on window box

The window box has been deigned to look like a festival. The walls have been covered in images of a festival to give off the look of being there. The floor is covered in grass just like a festival would be. The main element of the box is the bunting this has been hung all around the box. The other main part of the box would be Lucy and Lydia who are stood at the front. They have been placed there because they are a main part of the collaboration. The 2 images at the bottom of the page to the right are what the final box looked like. The main inspiration on the box was because the collaboration is based on festival clothing and that is the reason the box has been made to look like a festival. The Images are of Glastonbury festival and these were chosen because the collaboration is British and Glastonbury is a big well known British festival.

About window box

The window box was meant to have a Ferris wheel inside however the Ferris wheel did not go to plan and therefore the box had to be changed. In the end the box actually turned out better than i had thought it was going to go after the Ferris wheel didn't work. The end result was made to look similar to how i had planned however instead of the Ferris wheel being the main aspect it turned out to be the bunting. I do like the way the bunting looks although i think it does look a bit messy and crowded from some angles. The things that went wrong with the window box would be that i left it a bit late to get started and because of this when it went wrong i didn't have much time to make anything new to put in the box. If i did this again i would make sure that i was more organized and then the box would hopefully turn out a bit better and more neat and tidy than what it looks like now.