Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021 | Page 85

The Relationship Between Russian and French Freemasonry ( 1905 – 1945 )
Konstantin Krovopuskov and Rogovsky ; the journalist Vladimir Tatarinov ; the chemical engineer Alexey Titov , who had been deputy to the Minister of Food in 1917 ; and the journalist Arsen Stupnitsky . They were received by Ambassador Bogomolov . Maklakov , visiting his former place of work , was able to congratulate his motherland for its decisive contribution to victory and to express a desire for reconciliation that would see several Russians return to the Soviet Union . Toasts were made by both sides . It was a remarkable visit , but in the end its only achievement was to provoke controversy among the émigré community . After the war , Free Russia changed its name to Les Jalons . By that point it had been reduced to seventeen members , including Boris Gershun , who was elected Worshipful Master in 1939 , Volkoysky , and Ossorguine . Unable to recruit sufficient members , it was forced to become dormant . The North Star was still well-attended , with twenty-seven members including Eroukmanov , Ter-Pogossian , and Abram Alperin . It remained active into the 1960s and will be secretly revived by the GODF “ on the twenty-eighth day of the second month of AL 5991 ” in a hunting lodge near Moscow .
In the GLDF , the lodges Astrée , L ’ Aurore Boréale , Jupiter , Lotos , and Gemaïoune , which now met in rue Puteaux , were all still active in 1958 . The scission within the Grand Lodge in 1964 affected them badly , however , and a small number of Russian Brethren joined the GLNF ( Grande Loge Nationale Française ). The only lodges that remained in existence after the move were Gemaïoune and Astrée . A minority within the lodge remained loyal to the GLDF and joined with the Brethren of Jupiter and Lotos to form a single group .
Berberova , Nina . Les Francs-Maçons russes du XXe siècle . Paris : Editions Noir sur blanc / Acte Sud , 1990 .
Serkov , Andreï . “ Franc-maçonnerie et politique en Russie au début du XXe siècle ( 1910-1917 ),” in La Franc-maçonnerie et la culture russe , ed . Jean Breuillard and Irina Ivanova , Slavia Occitana , 24 ( 2007 ): 387-412 .
Startsev , Vitali . “ Les émigrés russes francs-maçons en France ( 1918-1939 ),” in La Franc-maçonnerie et la culture russe , ed . Jean Breuillard and Irina Ivanova , Slavia Occitana 24 ( 2007 ): 413-26 .
Theakstone , Serge . “ La Franc-maçonnerie russe en France entre l ’ exode de 1919 et la guerre de 1940 , in Travaux Villard de Honnecourt ( GLNF ), Tome 8 , 1972 .