Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021 | Page 84

Some Russian Masons belonged to other lodges of the GODF or GLDF . The anarchist Volin was a member of Clarté Lodge ( GODF ). Some joined La Rose du Parfait Silence Lodge in 1933 , including the lawyer Moise Kroll ; the doctor Victor Marchak ; Max Baumgarten , author of Regard sur la Franc-Maçonnerie Ecossaise ; the ex-Bolshevik Ansky ; Alperin ; Eroukmanov , known as Volsky , a former SR who had joined the Bolsheviks and fought in the Red Army before fleeing Russia as a Trotskyist ; and the journalist and mining engineer Jacques Delevsky , a former Menshevik , who was initiated in 1925 .
In 1927 , Avrora ( Aurora ) Lodge was founded under the auspices of Le Droit Humain and under the gavel of the writer Yevdokiya Nagrodskaya , a theosophist who welcomed Oswald Wirth and Yekaterina Kuskova to her lodge . She gathered around twenty members , mostly women , including the journalist and former K-D member Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams and Alexandra Holstein , whose salon was frequented by French and Russian intellectuals . Various Ukrainians belonged to the Grand Lodge of Ukraine , led by Petliura , which was in exile in Switzerland and was not recognized by the International Masonic Association . Among its prominent members was Sergei Markotun , an adventurer and Martinist who founded Narcissus Lodge and had highly questionable links with the occupying forces , although his lodge was unaware of that fact and he was therefore able to remain a member of the GODF for the rest of his life . Another member was Nicholas-André Choumitsky , president of
Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society
76 the Union des associations des émigrés ukrainiens en France ( Union of Associations of Ukrainian Emigres in France ) and former government minister under Petliura , whom he had represented at the Paris Peace Conference . He was Worshipful Master of Centre des Amis , which belonged to the Grande Loge Nationale Indépendante et Régulière .
When the Germans attacked the USSR , they preventatively arrested various Russian Masons and then released them after a period of detention . Some , like Cyril Novoselov , were involved in the resistance movement . Others were in danger because they were Jewish ( many of the Russian émigré Brethren were Jews ). Four , at least , died in Auschwitz : Pavel Apostol , Marc Wolfson and his wife , Ilya Fondaminsky ( a former SR ), and Mikhail Gorlin ( as confirmed by the CDJC ). Novossiltsev , who belonged simultaneously to the GLDF and GODF , and Iosip Trakhterov were also victims of the Nazis .
After the Liberation of Paris , when Stalin enjoyed considerable popularity in France , some refugees began to hope for a reconciliation with the Bolshevik regime . Maklakov , as former Russian ambassador and president of the Committee of Emigrés , headed a delegation of Masons from the GODF and GLDF to the USSR embassy . The delegates included Professor Dmitry Odinets , a former Trudovik who ran the Turgenev Library in Paris and was a pro-Soviet journalist in 1945 ; Abram Halperin on behalf of the Association for Reconciliation with the Soviet Union ; the former admiral Kedrov ; Ter-Pogossian ; the former SR members