Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall, 2019 | Page 67

Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society
1 . The Constitution of the Grand Lodge of France 1763 .
2 . The Constitutions of 1762 , 1771 Grand Lodge of England and Wales Francken Manuscript .
Art . 31
La G . L . ne fera pas de réception . - Pour vaquer plus entièrement au maintien le la discipline de l ’ Ordre , la Grande Loge ne pourra s ’ occuper à aucun travaux maçonniques de réception .
Art cle 31 st
The better to maintain good order and discipline The sovereign grand council of the Sub . me Princes of the Royal Secret , shall only meet Every year ; to proceed in masonic work – when none shall be admitted to the Sub . me and final degree of Masonry but the 3 oldest knights of the Sun , who shall be proclaim ’ d in the different councils and the gr . d Lodges of Perfection –
Art . 32
Messe de St Jean-Baptiste . Service funèbre . - Tous les ans au jour de St Jean d ’ été il sera célébré une messe solennelle à laquelle seront invités tous les maitres et membres des LL . régulières , et les fonds en seront pris des fonds de la G . L . s ’ ils suffisent , et à défaut répartis sur tous les maîtres de L ., et le lendemain il sera célébré un service solennel pour le repos de tous les FF . décédés .
Art cle 32 –
Holy days to be kept by the knights & Princes Masons – The Princes of Jerusalem shall privately celebrate viz . t
1 st The Holy day on the 20 . th of March , the memorable day that their ancestors made their Entry into Jerusalem –
2 dly They shall celebrate the 23 . d day of September - when they shall give thanks to the Lord , for the rebuilding of the Temple .
The knights of the East shall solemnize , the only day of the Re-edification of the Temple of the Living God the 22 d of March , and the 22 . d of September the Equinoctial days or renewing of the Long & short days , in memory that the Temple was built twice – all the princes Masons are oblig ’ d to go to the council of the knights of the East , and the work is not to be open ’ d but with the Necessary ceremonies –
The Grand Elect Perf t & Sublime shall Solemnize the 24 . th June & 26 of Decemb . r the dedication of the first Temple the day of the month of when the knights and the perfect Masons shall be decorated with their ornaments –
These Statutes are to be observed by all our Inspectors and Deputies , and cause the same to be read and Received in all Private councils , as well as in grand councils whatsoever –