Ritual, Secrecy and Civil Society Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall, 2019 | Page 59

Ritual , Secrecy , and Civil Society
1 . The Constitution of the Grand Lodge of France 1763 .
2 . The Constitutions of 1762 , 1771 Grand Lodge of England and Wales Francken Manuscript .
Deputies , To dispatch and authorize them with Letters patents , the which shall have force and validity –
Art . 26
Qualités nécessaires pour être constitué . - Il ne sera accordé par la G . L . des Lettres de constitutions que le requérant ne soit revêtu au moins du grade de maître , qu ’ il n ’ ait justifié d ’ un Certificat de Surveillant dans une L . régulière , qu ’ il n ’ ait toujours joui d ’ un état libre et décent , et qu ’ il ne soit à l ’ abri de tout reproche pour la conduite , la probité et les mœurs .
Art cle 26 –
The Sovereign grand council shall not grant any Letter of constitution for the Establishment of a Royal Lodge of Perfect . n Except the Brother be at Least a prince of Jerusalem – and for the Establishment of a council of knights of the East , Except the Brother be at Least a knight of East and West – But for the Establishment of a grand council of Princes of Jerusalem the Brother must absolutely be in the Degree of Sublime knight and prince of the Sun , and Prove by authentick Titles to have been Lawfully and regularly Received , and that he hath always Enjoy ’ d a Free State , Lived decent a free from reproach , by a sound and approved conduct at all times to be submissive to y . e decrees and mandates , Issued by such Sovereign council of Princes of which he desires to become the chief –
Art . 27
Prix des constitutions . - Il ne sera accordé par la G . L . aucune nouvelle Lettre de constitutions ni pour la province ni pour Paris qu ’ en fournissant par les requérants un Récépissé du G . Trésorier de la somme de 48 LL pour prix des Constitutions -
Art le 27 th
The Sovereign grand council of the Sublime Princes , shall not grant any Letters Patent or constitutions , unless they Receive £ 10 Sterling money for the supply of the person Employ ’ d – the grand Inspector of the East shall conform themselves in the Like case . besides they shall not deliver any commission or warrant to any Prince , before he hath Sign ’ d his submission , in the register of the grand Secretary general , and for foreign parts to the Inspector or his Deputy , as it is necessary , that the submission he wrote to be sign ’ d by the brother .
Art . 28
Reconstitution . - Il sera expédié par la G . L . de France aux LL . constituées irrégulièrement , mais de bonne foi , par des LL . régulières , des Lettres de constitutions
Art cle 28 –
If the Inspector or Deputies shall think proper to visit in any Place over the two Hemispheres , Either grand councils of Princes of Jerusalem , councils of knights of