f there is one thing business owners
know, it’s that having happy and
healthy employees will lead to
improved productivity and increased
revenues. According to the Harvard
Business Review, over 60 percent of
corporate leaders recognize that employee
productivity and performance are directly
linked to employee health. Fortunately,
there are of myriad ways that small
businesses with limited budgets can
implement low-cost solutions aimed at
improving employee health. Companies
that establish formal wellness programs
see employee absenteeism costs fall by
about $2.73 for every dollar they spent on
those programs. These plans are a valuable
recruiting and retention tool that are
not only becoming increasingly common,
but are also something that prospective
employees are actively seeking.
Successful wellness programs are
dependent on both employee engagement
and the support of management. Make it
clear that health is important. Promote a
general atmosphere of health. If employees
do not see or understand the benefits, they
will be reticent to participate. One of the
best ways to do this is to lead by example.
Take your own health seriously and
employees will see that and follow suit.
Here are some simple things you can
consider implementing as part of a
wellness program.
Tired workers are less productive, have
increased absences, and are far more
likely to be involved in accidents on the
job. Encourage the building of healthy
habits in employees such as getting enough
sleep, regularly exercising, and addressing
consumption of alcohol and tobacco (in
a nonoverbearing way). Changes to the
workplace can also reduce fatigue. Some
examples could be changing the lighting,
improving break areas, and allowing the
use of more ergonomic equipment around
the office.
Lowering stress has an almost
unimaginable number of health benefits.
Stress is a leading cause of a number
of ailments and can lead to significant
Low Cost, High Returns
drops in productivity. Help ensure your
employees have options to manage
their stress through communication,
maintaining a positive work environment,
celebrating success, and ensuring
workloads are appropriate. Consider
adding extra break time if necessary.
If you are breathing the same air as the
rest of us and haven’t just emerged from
under a rock, you probably know that
being overweight can cause serious health
problems and significantly increased
healthcare costs. Promote healthy eating
habits and exercise to your employees
to help them maintain a healthy weight.
No need to be overbearing, just light
encouragement in the form of optional
group exercise, healthy snacks in the
breakroom, and avoiding having soda
machines everywhere in the office is enough.
Make your business culture one that
promotes safety. Regularly talk about
safety protocols at meetings and keep it
in the forefront of your employees’ minds.
By making it clear that working safely
is a priority, you can reduce the chances
of lost productivity, costly medical bills
for employees, and increased insurance
As a business owner, you know your
employees are the lifeblood of your
business. Keeping those employees healthy
and vibrant is a huge key to your continued
success. Here at Sterling, we offer our own
employees a number of wellness activities,
including lunch-time yoga classes, fitness
contests, on-site flu vaccinations, and
optional stand-up desks. We have seen
the benefits for ourselves, and we want to
help you see them too. If you are interested
in learning more about how workplace
wellness programs could benefit your
business or want to move forward on
implementing your own programs, contact
me today. +
Joe Haney is the President and Founder of
Sterling Insurance Group. Celebrating 22 years of
business ownership and growth, Joe believes in
continuous improvement as evidenced by his earned
designations as a Certified Risk Advisor, Certified
Benefit Wellness Advisor and Certified Authority on
Workers Compensation. Joe works with a variety
of clients in both Risk Management and Employee
Benefits. Joe is involved in several industry-related
groups and philanthropic organizations as well.
Contact him at [email protected] or (586)