Risk & Business Magazine Nesbit Agencies Spring 2021 | Page 13


The most obvious tip that can be offered for winter driving is to drive smart .

• Extra clothing and blankets to keep warm .
• Even 20 – 40 pounds of cat litter can be a great help as it can get you some traction if your car becomes stuck in the snow .
The most obvious tip that can be offered for winter driving is to drive smart . Many people , even great drivers , tend to ignore the basics when things are going well . Allowing for significantly increased braking distance , maintaining safe speeds , and paying close attention to the road are essential . Avoiding distractions while driving is another biggie . Everyone gets caught on their phone at some point , but every second is crucial during winter driving , especially when snow and ice are present .
Here are a few more tips to help you make it through winter :
• Not only do you not know how deep they may be but they can also contain additional hazards that you may not be aware of . Dirt , road salt , or foreign objects can all be hidden in puddles , which can lead to damage to tires , rims , suspension , alignment , the exhaust , or even the engine itself .
• Driving in deep snow should be avoided for many of the same reasons . It can hide objects and cause damage .
• Keep the car clean . Road salt is very corrosive and can be rough on vehicles . Keeping tires clean can also reduce wear and tear on them .
• Try to avoid street parking if possible . Not only can the car get buried and coated in salt when it is exposed to street conditions but it can also increase the likelihood of damage from other vehicles or theft .
• Stand wipers up if a storm is expected . Anyone who has been caught off guard by an unexpected storm knows how frustrating it can be if your wipers get frozen to the windshield .
• Consider putting a plastic bag around side mirrors and fasten them with rubber bands . This will prevent the mirrors from getting frozen over while you are at work or at home so you can use them when it is time to start driving .
• A bit of cooking spray on the rubber around the car door frames can prevent them from freezing . Just spray some on and then wipe off the excess .
• A solution of 2 / 3 vinegar and 1 / 3 water can be great for melting ice around windows if they get frozen shut due to ice .
Just because the winter storms are coming and the cold weather is increasing the chances of wear on your car does not mean all hope is lost . Take the time to prepare for it all in advance , and keep your wits about you during the cold weather , and you will make it through things just fine ( and so will your vehicles ).
For more information and to get more West Bend safety tips , visit them online at www . thesilverlining . com +