Risk & Business Magazine JGS Insurance Summer 2023 | Página 7

BUSINESS MASTERY destination . When most businesses start off , this is the level they ’ re at . You are personally delivering the goods or services to your clients while controlling all four components of your business .
Unfortunately , people looking to scale their income and grow their business from this level often make some key mistakes such as overinvesting or mis-investing in their human-powered machine . So , instead of investing in things like expensive CRM systems , realistically , what you need to do is to switch vehicles . Many people believe that if they work harder and harder , their bike will eventually transform into a car , but truthfully , you must toss out the bike and replace it with a car .
Once business owners level up and replace their bike with a car , they often continue to overinvest or mis-invest in this car . Remember , you can add all types of ornaments or special lights , but you ’ re still going to end up with a car that can deliver your goods and services , so this is truly just a superfluous investment in the end . Moreover , if you get into a highly competitive situation , then the car simply won ’ t do . You ’ ll need a race car . But you can ’ t just acquire a race car ( or a highpowered business ) and expect that you can run it on your own .
Sadly , another common mistake that most business owners make is that they think they ’ re equipped to operate a race car with the same skill level they have developed over the years to become a high-level cyclist . Just because you ’ ve transformed from beginner to master as a solopreneur does not mean you have the expert capability when you get into a car , let alone a race car . So , if you want your business to achieve its highest form , you need a robust vehicle , skilled driver , dedicated crew , and reliable chief all working together to achieve a common goal .
You might be thinking , Well , I ’ ve hired a team , so why am I not achieving the level of success I ’ m hoping for ? This is because the capability of your bike is limited regardless of how big the support system is , meaning it ’ s absolutely critical to match the crew with the vehicle . If you want your business to be the best ( and I know you do ), you need to hire the best crew for the job , which requires giving up control and onboarding a high-performance team to pursue a common goal . Many times , even when a business owner graduates from a bike to a car , they feel the need to stay in control of everything . Some believe they have to in order to stay in the game . This is what we call a player-coach .
For any business owners stuck in this middle ground of being a player-coach , I want to draw your attention to a quote from Elon Musk , the richest man in the world in 2022 . He said , “ A company is a group organized to create a product or service , and it is only as good as its people and how excited they are about creating . [ My teams consist of ] a ton of supertalented people . I just happen to be the face of the company .” In other words , he ’ s saying you need to hire the best to be the best . Although , as I ’ m sure you ’ ve figured this out , it ’ s not always quite that simple .
To acquire that race car along with the proper driver and crew , there are four simple phases to consider , and I ’ ve created the acronym IDEA to accompany these steps . For starters , “ I ” stands for intention , meaning you need to transform your dream into an intention and make a commitment to your future . “ D ” is for design , where you create the perfect game plan and set your vital goals for the year . ( Note : This is not a business plan . It is a game plan ). Next , “ E ” stands for execution , meaning you and your team need to follow the same agenda , hold regularly scheduled meetings , embrace a culture of accountability , and require corrective action on every missed goal . That brings us to “ A ” for acceleration , which is the process of evaluating your company , lining up resources you will need to reach your goals for the next stage of scaling , and repeating this in every department or aspect of your business .
Handling your business operations can be stressful , but you will gain access to all this knowledge in my Business Mastery Community , including specialized support , networking opportunities , and more . So , if you ’ re looking to avoid common business pain points , empower yourself to make confident business decisions , scale your revenue , and learn how to implement the Business Mastery System , simply go to joinceoalliance . com ( it ’ s free to join ) and let ’ s get you out of the driver ’ s seat of your business sooner ! +
Bill Prater earned his reputation as America ’ s Business Alchemist™ by helping business owners and entrepreneurs break free of inertia and accelerate into the future they dream of . He loves nothing better than sharing what he has learned by working with those who are dissatisfied with the status quo and eager to transform themselves and their business . He created Scaleology ® and the Business Mastery System™ as the core foundational principles of dynamic and continuous business growth . A typical client of his sees their company rising to a position of preeminence and is not satisfied with just “ getting to the next level ”.