Risk & Business Magazine Cal Legrow Spring 2017 | Page 7
The Cal LeGrow Foundation
he Cal LeGrow Foundation
is a private, not-for-profit
corporation established to
direct the charitable giving
of Cal LeGrow Insurance
& Financial Group and its employees
in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Our mission is to give back to the
community we serve by funding and
supporting opportunities that inspire
and impact youth. We define “youth” as
any person who falls under the age of
18. To date, the Cal Legrow Foundation
have raised almost $190,000 for youth
facing barriers with a long term vision
of reaching $1,000,0000.
We provide resources that reduce the
barriers our province’s youth face in
reaching their full potential. These
barriers could be socioeconomic,
physical, mental, or emotional. For
young people facing barriers in life, we
will make a difference with financial
support to create stronger futures. Our
success will be defined by the number
of young lives we’re able to impact!
Do you have a project that inspires and
impacts youth in a meaningful way?
The Cal LeGrow Foundation awards
grants twice a year to special projects
and causes that are consistent with
its priorities and are likely to have the
greatest impact.
No child should be left behind, and we
back up our belief with real funding.
Giving back to the community is
simply the right thing to do. So in
accordance with our mission, we will be
offering scholarships to students who
demonstrate a strong commitment to
helping others within their community,
with efforts focused around poverty
and youth issues.
For more information on The Cal
LeGrow Foundation or if you are
interested in applying for a grant or
scholarship, then please contact Cal
LeGrow Insurance & Financial Group at
709-576-1606 or visit our website www.
callegrow.com and apply online! +