Risk & Business Magazine Cal Legrow Spring 2017 | Page 5

16 feature ABOUT TED : * A TALE OF EMPOWERMENT CONTENTS 5 LETTER FROM THE CEO 6 MEET OUR NEWEST TALENT 7 THE CAL LEGROW FOUNDATION 8 FEEL GOOD FRIDAYS 9 PROSPECTS FOR PENNIES Find Gold In Abandoned Advertising 10 CUSTOMER SERVICE VS. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Knowing The Difference 12 UNMISTAKABLE HABITS OF IRRESISTIBLE PEOPLE 14 ONE DAY A WEEK This Entrepreneur More Than Doubled His Revenue 20 COACHING: It’s An Ongoing Process WELCOME The year 2017 is definitely not business as usual in Newfoundland and Labrador. But within this reality lies an opportunity for many business leaders who know it isn’t the time to apply the Ostrich Effect and put your head down, ignore it, and hope it passes. Business is the economy. Businesses are the job creators. Businesses are the ones that turn the wheels that make our province move forward. We have included in this spring issue of Risk & Business several articles to help you reflect on how you could approach your business differently. As Atlantic Canada’s largest independent commercial broker, we want our conversations to be more than just about an insurance policy. It’s about having and sharing deeper conversations with our clients to help them not only protect their business but also to help them grow their business. We have included an article on the importance of preparing a Business Continuity plan for your organization. This article will help you identify the parts of your company that are most vulnerable so that you can create a recovery plan if a business interruption should occur. Bill Dalton, our Senior Vice President of Insurance, leads this article a nd if you would like a complimentary toolkit to get you started on building your own Business Continuity plan, we would be happy to provide it to you. All the details are on page 30. 25 EXECUTIVE HEALTH STRATEGIES: Five Ways To Deliver To Your Bottom Line I would like to thank several local businesspeople who shared their insights for this issue of Risk & Business. I would like to thank Mike O’Neil, CEO of The Energy Company, Jennifer Bouzane of Fit For Work and Kirk Stoyles for their contributions to this magazine. We also have a special article co-authored by Don Power titled The Path To Victory: Brad Gushue’s Brier Title Proves That Business & Sport Success Share Multiple Characteristics 26 FOSTERING A HEALTH, HAPPY WORKFORCE Mental Health Enjoy reading this issue and I would love to hear from you. My email is [email protected]. 28 THE PATH TO VICTORY: Brad Gushue’s Brier Title Proves That Business & Sport Success Share Multiple Characteristics Sincerely, 22 SEVEN SIGNS YOU ARE GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL 24 TOPGRADING SNAPSHOT How I Avoided A Costly Mis-Hire In One Minute 30 BUSINESS INTERRUPTION INSURANCE WITHOUT A BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN IS A PROBLEM ONLY HALF SOLVED 31 WHY KEY PERSON INSURANCE MATTERS What You Need To Know Jeff Legrow Chairman & CEO CALLEGROW.COM 5