Risk & Business Magazine Cal LeGrow Spring 2016 | Page 28

R & B Cal LeGrow Foundation Giving Back to the Communities T he Cal LeGrow Foundation was established to direct the charitable giving of Cal LeGrow and its employees in Newfoundland and Labrador. The mission of our private not-for-profit corporation, is to give back to the communities we serve by supporting local initiatives that inspire and impact youth. Every year the Foundation awards three scholarships of $1,000 to students registered with an accredited postsecondary institution. Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate excellence in academic achievement and a strong commitment to helping others within their community. Since the beginning of 2012, the Cal LeGrow Foundation has awarded 28 SPRING 2016 $143,386 in project grants and scholarships. Grants have been presented to 27 diverse groups, including the Youth 2000 Centre (Y2C). This year, $4,920 was given to the Back to School Assistance Program, run by Y2C, in Grand FallsWindsor. Through their Back to School Assistance Program, Y2C provides low-income families with backpacks filled with school supplies for children attending grades K-12. Their goal is to ensure that every student has the tools they need to succeed in their studies, regardless of their family’s income level. “With this donation from the Cal LeGrow Foundation the Y2C will have sufficient resources to expand the program to Grand Falls-Windsor, and the nearby communities of Browns Arm, Norris Arm, Bishops Falls, and Buchan’s.” - April Skinner, Manager of Community Development, Youth 2000 Centre The Cal LeGrow Foundation is proud to support initiatives that help inspire youth in the community to reach their full potential. By sponsoring individuals and local organizations, we can help build a better tomorrow for the youth of this province.