Risk & Business Magazine Cal LeGrow Spring 2016 | Page 27

Uber, Airbnb, and 3D printing are all examples of how technology can disrupt an entire industry overnight. We can all prepare for the age of disruption by cultivating awareness, becoming more agile and building the right internal culture. Marketing & Sales The internet has turned the retail industry upside down. Local companies can now sell their products and services around the world and international corporations (like Amazon) can capture a huge market share without having a store front presence. Visioning Yogi Berra said it all when he stated “If you don’t know where you are going you will end up somewhere else.” Business owners need to articulate a vision for the future and develop a plan for how to get there. This requires taking a break from the day to day routine to develop a vision and strategy for your future. Succession planning 70% of business owners are set to retire in the next 10 years. The vast majority of people are counting on the sale of their company to fund their retirement plans. Exporting According to Export Development Canada, those who export products and services are more innovative, productive, profitable and risk averse. In this province, and most of Canada, we have very small domestic markets. To tap into the global market, we need to encourage companies to expand beyond our borders and take advantage of these scaled economies. The St. John’s Board of Trade is developing a resilience initiative entitled Bulletproofing your Business. The Board will be holding a series of luncheons and seminars on various topics that fall under this theme including: marketing, human resources, innovation, exporting, visioning and succession planning. Each of these topics will also be featured in our bimonthly magazine through articles written b