Risk & Business Magazine Cain Insurance Spring 2017 | Page 29


“ Grants are provided to over one hundred charitable organizations in Fredericton , funding everything from educational resources to health and social programs .” organization will benefit from the fund .

• Donor-Advised Fund – The donor advises the Foundation which organizations will receive grants each year .
• Field-of-Interest Fund – Defined by the field of interest of the donor . The board of directors will then select community-based charities within that field of interest .
• Community Fund – No restrictions are placed on where the Foundation spends this money . This is the most flexible option and any unassigned donations go into this fund .
• Emerging Fund – Allows donors to create a fund of any category without meeting the minimal donation level . Remains a part of the Community Fund until the pledge is fulfilled and the named fund is created .
The reasons why people become donors are varied . The Foundation is a local public charity which has deep roots in the community and is well-known for its work . Its staff and volunteers have extensive expertise on the interests and needs of the community , which allows them to provide highly personalized services to the beneficiary organizations and the donors . The variety of funds allows donors to provide complex forms of giving while offering them maximal tax advantages .
The Community Fund for Canada ’ s 150th Grant is the Foundation ’ s newest funding platform . It is a small grants program that will support community initiatives from coast to coast . A collaboration between Canada ’ s community foundations , the Canadian government , and community leaders from coast to coast , it is based on grassroots leadership and takes on a local focus and timeline in each individual community . The Fredericton Community Foundation is one of many partners in the fund .
Two major events are held each year that are the Foundation ’ s jewels : the Philanthropy in Action Award dinner and Random Act of Kindness Day .
The Philanthropy in Action Award is meant to recognise and celebrate philanthropy in the community . Philanthropy , defined as the voluntary provision of time and financial resources to the well-being of humankind , begins in the community through individuals , families , corporations , and youth . For this award , philanthropy in the community is recognized through a nomination process that includes the following criteria :
• Impact of the nominee on the greater Fredericton community
• Evidence of leadership in philanthropy
• Demonstrated history of philanthropic giving
• Involvement in volunteering
Every year , an awards dinner is held in order to honour the recipients of the Philanthropy in Action Award . The 2016 recipients were the Honourable James W . Ross and John Wood . Jim Ross was recognized for founding Ross Ventures Ltd . and Partners for Youth ; John Wood for founding the John Wood Foundation . The board of directors , Foundation staff , and committee members were all thrilled to see that the awards dinner was well attended .
Random Act of Kindness Day was initiated in 2008 by the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation to bring communities together by engaging citizens in small acts of kindness and generosity . This event is an opportunity for individuals to do something kind for someone else and , in so doing , creating an appreciation for other citizens and building communities . The key to Random Act of Kindness Day is that it has nothing to do with money or fundraising . It ’ s simply a day to be kind , whether that means holding a door open for someone or buying someone a cup of coffee .
Involvement is as simple as performing an act of kindness . Over 20,000 Random Act of Kindness Day cards are available at shops in downtown Fredericton each year . All they request of the holder is that an act of kindness be performed and the card be passed on to encourage the recipient of the act to do the same . The cards simply say the following : “ You have been touched by Random Act of Kindness Day . Please return the favour and perform a Random Act of Kindness for a fellow citizen ! Pass this card on and pay it forward .” This event is another way the Foundation gives back to the community that it loves .
As a community leader , the Foundation is able to foster collaboration on issues of broader interest to the community and create lasting and positive changes . Pooling funds together , be they gifts or grants , multiplies the effect of each dollar received . Further , the creation of endowment funds helps create personal legacies for donors that will benefit the community long into the future .
For more information or to find out how you can contribute , contact Tim Fox at 506-454-2262 or tim @ fredfdn . ca . If you are interested in establishing your own fund , complete with naming privileges , please call the Foundation at 506-454- 2262 . +
SPRING 2017 | 29