Risk & Business Magazine Benson Kearley IFG Fall 2016 | Page 6

COMMUNITY FEATURE PLAY WITH THE PROS AND END HOMELESSNESS! Hockey Helps the Homeless is a national charity that coordinates one-day fantasy hockey tournaments in communities across Canada. Men and women play hockey with former NHL pros and Olympic GoldMedalists. This November 17th & 18th a tournament is taking place in Markham, Ontario. Sign up at hockeyhelpsthehomeless.com to play with the pros, and help end homelessness! HOME FOR HOLIDAYS CONTEST Since 2011 Benson Kearley IFG has been bringing families together for the holiday season. As a gift to our community we reunite families whose finances hinder their ability to spend the holidays with their loved ones. Stay tuned for our Spring 2017 issue to find out which family we reunited! In the meantime please visit homeforholidays.ca if you, or someone you know, would like to enter our 2017 contest. BKIFG Community Feature Passionate About Giving Back BIG BIKE In June the Benson Kearley IFG team raised over $3,000 for the Heart & Stroke Foundation bringing our 6 year total to over $12,000. The BKIFG team was also awarded the team spirit award for the 4th time! We look forward to riding the Big Bike again in 2017. 360O KIDS SCHOLARSHIP In its second year, the Benson Kearley IFG 360O Kids Scholarship was awarded to Jessica Lawrence and Mitchell Seitz. Each received $5,000 towards their post-secondary education. Benson Kearley IFG is proud to support at risk youth in York Region, by contributing to their educational and career aspirations. Please visit 360kids.ca to learn more about this worthy organization. LET’S PLAY BALL! In September Benson Kearley IFG played for The Children’s Wish Foundation in the Trisura Charity Softball Tournament, one of our partner markets. This event helps grant wishes for children with life threatening illness and collects donations to the food bank. 6 | FALL 2016 SMAI In July Benson Kearley IFG welcomed the recipients of the Students Making an Impact (SMAI) Scholarship to their Newmarket office for the SMAI Reception. Sofie Yang, Joshua Clements, Kriti Ravindran, Kelly Graham and Jonathan Sun were each presented the $2,000 Scholarship, because their business or charitable initiative made a positive impact in our community. Visit studentsmakinganimpact.com to learn more about this annual opportunity for Grade 12 Students in the GTA.