RISE, A Modern Guide for the Purpose Driven Woman Summer 2014 | Page 55
Parenting has been the greatest education of my life! I lived
my life very reckless in my youth. I did drugs, drove drunk,
was promiscuous… I knew that I could die and it was Ok.
Death was an out for me. When I had children that
changed. They reflected to me that I had a lot of growing to
and understand the liberation of self-love.
JB: At what age did you begin to connect with your purpose in life, and how is it impacting you, your family,
your community, etc.?
CH: In 1997 I took my first yoga class. Thru my yoga pracGrowing up in a home with addiction, abuse and dysfunc- tice and becoming a certified teacher I connected to my
tion would turn into a primer for parenting my children. It inner world and my purpose was able to rise up and I saw
is critical to me to model positive and honest behaviors for it. It has been a journey of listening, letting go and growing
them, and to teach them that their voice matters as well. I my purpose. Going thru my life coaching certification and
want to ensure that I don’t repeat what was a very difficult training brought me to new places within me and I saw this
generational pattern of negative behaviors learned from my is it. This is my gift and its’ been inside all along. It is a part
childhood. I want them to be proud of their unique gifts
of me and it is my expression in the world through being
“You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
a mom, a wife, a radiance coach, and a yoga instructor. It
has impacted my whole life and how I show up with my
clients, my children, my husband, my community and the
planet.Yoga is not just something I do; it is a part of my
soul and has given me a process for bringing my radiance
being into all of my doing.
her during our training. She said