Artistic gymnastics is a discipline of gymnastics. The Dictionary of the Spanish Language defines artistic gymnastics as "gymnastic specialty practiced with various devices or without them on a surface of regulatory measures" .
Historically, as a form of physical exercise, gymnastics emerged in antiquity. From the nineteenth century, artistic gymnastics became independent of general gymnastics, especially after the creation, in 1881, of the European Federation of Gymnastics. Later, in Athens 1896, he became an Olympic sport practiced only by men. Already in the 1928 Summer Olympics were allowed to involve women. From mid-twentieth century, this discipline began to be practiced in the manner known actualmente.
The presentations are generally artistic gymnastics individual and have an average duration of between thirty to ninety seconds are performed on different devices and are divided into male and female competitions. The apparatus used in the female category are uneven bars, balance beam, floor and vault, while the men are rings, horizontal bar, pommel horse, parallel bars, vault and suelo.
The agency responsible for regulating the rules of the sport, as well as the organization of competitions, is the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG).
artistic gymnastics
artistic gymnastics