Rio 2016 j | Page 18

Synchronized swimming (also swim sincronizado2) is a discipline that combines swimming, gymnastics and dance, consisting of swimmers (either alone or, as duets, teams or in combination, also called combos) performing in the water a series of moves made, the pace of the music

Initially female, it has gradually transformed into a male sport. This sport demands great water skills, and requires physical strength and flexibility, gracefulness, art and precision in the use of time and exceptional control of apnea underwater.

Has now been added the discipline of mixed duets because demand for boys in wanting to compete. The first professional start in synchronized swimming was American Bill May at the French Benoit Beaufils joined to show that a guy can have the same level as a girl in the sport. Spain also presented its mixed duo of Pau Ribes, Catalan 19, and veteran Gemma Mengual who returned to competition after his retirement.

Synchronized swimming