Riders Monthly March 2014 | Page 56

Getting to know Kristy Nagel

Favorite Food?

Where do i start, I love all different kinds of food

Your fav cartoon?

Smurfs & The Ninja Turtles

Your favorite color?

Black - It goes with everything

Your most embarrassing moment?

When i missed one of my runs at the World Finals Barrel Races in Georgia Perry!!!

I wanted to dig a hole and hide in it

Fav inspirational leader?

Ned Kelly and his gang! Because he stood up for what was right, he was a battler, he gave to the poor. My great great grandfather was Steve Hart, Ned Kelly's right hand man! Maybe he is my inspiration because i have bush ranger in my blood! He was a hero.

Greatest achievement?

China World Cup winning 4 rounds on 4 different horses that i only had 5 minutes to ride before i had to compete on them. Also riding in Brazil in their International Barrel race and most of all at the World Finals in USA. Getting 2nd in the first round and making it back to the finals and winning a World Champion Finalist Buckle. And running the fastest Aussie Time.

How would others describe you?

Very competitive, family orientated, strong willed - never gives up, loves helping out kids and is very passionate about her horses.

What are your strengths?

Extremely strong willed, can work with any type of horse, focused and encouraging.

What are your weaknesses?

Sometimes i am to kind to people.