Rice Economics Fall 2021 Newsletter | Page 10

Grants Awarded or Ongoing in 2020 and 2021
Rossella Calvi , “ The Perceived Marital Returns to Education and the Demand for Girls ’ Schooling ,” World Bank ( with graduate student Hira Farooqi ).
Rossella Calvi and Hülya Eraslan , “ Political Alignment and COVID-19 Response of Local Governments ,” Rice University ( with Dibya Mishra and Ritika Sethi ).
Jeremy Fox , “ Repeated Matching Games : An Empirical Framework ,” National Science Foundation .
Vivian Ho , “ Does Physician-Hospital Integration Affect the Quality and Price of Hospital Care ?,” Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality .
Vivian Ho , “ Examining the Impact of Laws Aiming to Curb Balance Billing in the Emergency Department ,” Health Care Service Corporation .
Mallesh Pai , “ Foundations of Fair Analysis ,” National Science Foundation . Xun Tang , “ Empirical Analysis of Social Networks with Unreported Links ,” National Science Foundation .
Books Published in 2020 and 2021
Robin Sickles , Methodological Contributions to the Advancement of Productivity and Efficiency Analysis , Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics , New York : Springer , forthcoming ( edited with Christopher Parmeter ).
George Zodrow , Prospects for Economic Growth in the United States , Cambridge UK : Cambridge University Press , forthcoming ( edited with John W . Diamond ).
George Zodrow , Taxation in Theory and Practice : Selected Essays of George R . Zodrow , London : World Scientific Press .