Rice Economics Fall 2021 Newsletter | Page 9

Peter Hartley , “ Electricity Reform and Retail Pricing in Texas ,” Energy Economics , forthcoming ( with Kenneth Medlock and Olivera Jankovska ).
Peter Hartley , “ Western Australia Domestic Gas Reservation Policy : Modeling the Economic Impact with a CGE Approach ,” Economics Record , forthcoming ( with Kelly Neill , Rod Tyers and Philip Adams ).
YingHua He , “ Information Acquisition and Provision in School Choice : An Experimental Study .” Journal of Economic Theory , forthcoming ( with Yan Chen ).
YingHua He , “ Information Acquisition and Provision in School Choice : A Theoretical Investigation .” Economic Theory , forthcoming ( with Yan Chen ).
YingHua He , “ Impact of Air Pollution on Human Activities : Evidence from Nine Million Mobile PhoneUsers .” PLOS One , 2021 ( with Wei Chen and Shiyuan Pan ).
Yunmi Kong , “ Sequential Auctions with Synergy and Affiliation Across Auctions , Journal of Political Economy , January 2021 , pp . 148- 181 .
Yunmi Kong , “ Not Knowing the Competition : Evidence and Implications for Auction Design ,” Rand Journal of Economics , Fall 2020 , pp . 840-867 .
Ted Loch-Temzelides , “ A Double Slit Experiment with Human Subjects ,” PLOS ONE , February 11 , 2021 ( with John Duffy ).
Ted Loch-Temzelides , “ Conservation , Risk Aversion , and Livestock Insurance : The Case of the Snow Leopard ,” Conservation Letters , February 4 , 2021 .
Ted Loch-Temzelides , “ Ecology and Economics for Pandemic Prevention ,” Science , July 2020 , pp . 379-381 ( with Andrew P . Dobson , Stuart Pimm , Lee Hannah , Les Kauffman , Jorge A . Ahumada , Amy W . Ando , Aaron Bernstein , Jonah Busch , Peter Daszak , Jens Engelman , Margaret Kinnaird , Binbin Li , Thomas Lovejoy , Katarzyna Nowak , Patrick R . Roehrdanz , and Mariana M . Vale ).
Ted Loch-Temzelides , “ A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Jones Act : The Case of Global Tankers ,” Journal of Transport Economics and Policy , forthcoming ( with Igor Hernandez , Ken Medlock , and Anna Mikulska ).
Ted Loch-Temzelides , “ Hurricane Surge Risk Assessment of Petroleum Infrastructure under Changing Climate Conditions ,” Frontiers in Built Environment : Wind Engineering and Science , July 2020 ( with Majid Ebad Sichani , Katherine A . Anarde , Kendall Capshaw , Pedram Hassanzadeh , Rachel A . Meidl , Jamie E . Padgett , and Philip B . Bedient ).
Mallesh Pai , “ Algorithmic Collusion : Supra-Competitive Prices via Independent Algorithms ,” Marketing Science , January 2021 ( with Karsten Hansen and Kanishka Misra ).
Mallesh Pai , “( Bad ) Reputation in Relational Contracting , Theoretical Economics , forthcoming ( with Rahul Deb and Matt Mitchell ).
Mallesh Pai , “ Fair Prediction with Endogenous Behavior ,” Economics and Computation , July 2020 ( with Chris Jung , Sampath Kannan , Changhwa Lee , Aaron Roth , and Rakesh Vohra ).
Mallesh Pai , “ Moment Multicalibration for Uncertainty Estimation ,” Proceedings of Conference on Learning Theory , 2021 ( with Chris Jung , Changhwa Lee , Aaron Roth , and Rakesh Vohra ).
Isabelle Perrigne , “ Econometrics of Scoring Auctions ,” Advances in Econometrics , 2020 , pp . 285-320 ( with Jean-Jacques Laffont , Michel Simioni and Quang Vuong ).
Robin Sickles , “ The Agency Problem Revisited : A Structural Analysis of Managerial Productivity and CEO Compensation in Large U . S . Commercial Banks ,” Empirical Economics , Special Issue in Honor of Badi Baltagi , forthcoming ( with Shasha Liu ).
Robin Sickles , “ Measuring the Productivity Growth and Technology Spillover through the Global Value Chain : The Impact of US-Sino Decoupling ,” in Essays in Honor of Hashem Pesaran , Advances in Econometrics , Volume 42 , edited by Alexander Chudik , Cheng Hsiao , Allan Timmerman , Bingley , UK : Emerald Publishing Ltd ., forthcoming ( with W . Liu and H . Zhao ).
Matthew Thirkettle , “ Discrete Choice under Risk with Limited Consideration ,” American Economic Review , forthcoming ( with Levon Barseghyan and Francesca Molinari ).
Xun Tang , “ Uncovering Heterogeneous Social Effects in Binary Choices ,” Journal of Econometrics , forthcoming ( with Zhongjian Lin and Ning Yu ).
Xun Tang , “ Estimating Unobserved Individual Heterogeneity through Pairwise Comparisons ,” Journal of Econometrics , forthcoming ( with Elena Krasnokutskaya and Kyungchul Song ).
George Zodrow , “ Carbon Taxes : Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects ” ( with John W . Diamond ), in Prospects for Economic Growth in the United States , edited by John W . Diamond and George R . Zodrow , Cambridge UK : Cambridge University Press , forthcoming .
George Zodrow , “ A Perspective on the Prospects for Economic Growth in the United States ” ( with John W . Diamond ), in Prospects for Economic Growth in the United States , edited by John W . Diamond and George R . Zodrow , Cambridge UK : Cambridge University Press , forthcoming .