RHG Magazine & TV Guide Winter 2018 | Page 49

call or two or emails that need a response. So, build a cushion of two hours a day for these types of things so that you can truly move forward on your top priorities each day. I find it helps if you break your tasks into steps hat have a clear start/finish and timeline. For instance, don’t say ‘work on my book’. Instead, get specific. Perhaps your list will say (1) write the first draft of the intro, (2) write the close, (3) write the forward, and (4) write chapter 1. Break the activity down into a clear item that has a start and a finish to it along with the amount of time you will dedicate to it that day.

3. Be disciplined. We need to manage ourselves and our time if we want to accomplish all the things that we want to bring forward. Be aware of where your time is going. Stay focused during the time you committed to each item you want to accomplish that day. Be balanced. You can’t just do the things you like to do the best or are the most fun for you. Give attention to all parts of your business.

4. Play to your strengths. Each of is wired differently. If we can look for ways to do

things that play to our strengths, it will take less time to do them, expend less energy, and be more fun.

5. Remember this is your business. If you worked for a company, you wouldn’t get to continue to work for them if you didn’t keep up and do your job. Things like responding to emails, making and returning calls, invoicing etc. The same is true for your own business. Be a good employee, manager, and marketer for your own business.

6. Celebrate. Make sure to celebrate your accomplishments. It’s so easy to get caught up in doing and going on to the next thing that we forget to stop, acknowledge, and celebrate. I want to encourage you to find a way to celebrate every day in your business and life! This will encourage, inspire, and motivate you!

Question 3:

Dear Rebecca, I know you have a lot of different projects and responsibilities. How do you take care of yourself and not get overwhelmed and exhausted?

~Sumaya O’Grady, Soul Alchemist of Soul Deep Confidence

Dear Sumaya, thank you for your beautiful question about self-care. I find that, in addition to the information I shared in the above section about Time Management through Celebration, it is important

to build self-care in as a priority each day and week. I make sure to schedule downtime, time off with family and friends, and self-care practices each day to keep me balanced and centered. This helps me maintain my energy levels, not get exhausted, and still enjoy what I do. I also find it’s important to develop self-care tools to support my energy and to pay attention to when my energy may be dipping and honor that too.

Also, managing our mindset is key. We will believe what we tell ourselves. Iif we tell ourselves things are hard, overwhelming and exhausting, we will believe that and it will be so. So, if we can remember to choose what we tell ourselves, it will go a long way to helping

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