~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?
There are many different artforms to express story, ranging from books like mine to painters and sculptors to dancers and musicians. We interpret and struggle and overcome every step of this life together, and finding joy in the art of others is how we can breathe through it all. So, value the artists around you, and know that you have your own story to share that only you can tell.
~What are 3 tips you can give our readers to help them step forward in their life powerfully?
1. Remember that fear is the enemy of freedom: you always have the choice to define the happiness you deserve.
2. Have faith in yourself: you may have been told lies in the past that have led you to believe you are less than others, but you truly have the power to embrace your own magic and stand for every beautiful thing that is you.
3. Own the power of the truth: despite how hard certain conversations may be or how deeply rooted old beliefss are, the healing and endless possibilities on the other side of those struggles is always worth the fight.
~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our readers today to empower them to SHINE?
Never stop creating. Writing is healing and empowering, and has the ability to reach hearts and open doors you could never imagine in your life (no matter what genre you write). Embrace the magic of fiction, because the worlds and characters created by an author are most likely pieces of themselves. Take the themes you learn in the fantasy realm and bring them back to your daily life to create magic of your own.
~Will you share a client success story?
Since the publication of my first book in my trilogy, I’ve had many people reach out who’ve told me that they are now inspired to pick up their own writing again. Though I work with mainly nonfiction authors in my editing career, those artists also often have fiction stories that they tend to set aside. . .but seeing my success has been a catalyst for them, which is an honor and a thrill for me.
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?
Through my career in the writing and publishing industry, I’ve found that we all have a story. For a long time, I put aside my own writing to help support others, which has been an honor. Now, I’m finally sharing this trilogy that I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into for many years. It holds all of my failures and triumphs, moments of pain and victory woven into magic and epic battles and true love. I invite you to escape into it, let it inspire you, and share it with everyone you know.