RHG Magazine September 2021 | Page 9

~ Share something you are passionate about:

I am passionate about living a life that's forever under construction. I've learned that it's possible to rebuild your life after being leveled and that the remodeling process can be one of the most empowering experiences that women can experience.

~ What are some ways you're helping to bring this forward in the world?

Through sharing my story and my tool box full of everything I've learned and gathered through building my own house and rebuilding myself after being sexually assaulted, losing my mother to cancer, and going through divorce in one year's time.

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Under Construction: Healing Trauma While Building my Dream:

Meet Julia Harriet; Author, Speaker, Builder

Julia Harriet is a mother, a builder, and survivor who is passionate about supporting and empowering women to build their dream life. As a result of working with Julia, women feel empowered to build their ultimate dream life. She is looking for individuals who want to fill their life toolbox full of techniques, strategies, and exercises that will take them from merely surviving the day to day grind, to joyful thriving.

Read on to learn more about her most recent book on moving past trauma to dream building:

I share my story as a means to help promote empowerment and healing - to give women across the globe permission to follow their heart's desire, to not become victims of circumstances, and to stand tall and proud as builders of their dreams.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our readers to help them step forward in life?

Making mistakes is key to being under construction - if you aren't making a mess, you aren't actively building. Find mentors to inspire and guide you (and hold your hand when you mess up big.) Ask a lot of questions because it will help you define your vision, which is critical to successful construction.

~Can you share a client success story?

For me, success comes when a woman walks up to me after I share my story and says, "thank you for being brave enough to be the face of a survivor of sexual assault. You give me hope that I can heal too."

~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our readers today to empower them to SHINE?

Don't ever stop dreaming. Even if you feel like don't have a way to make your dream happen, once you get clear and in alignment with your vision, I promise you that anything is possible.