RHG Magazine September 2021 | Page 7

Step Into Balance to Create the Success You Desire

Stepping into balance is easy when we plan how we will move forward. 

Being in balance can mean many things. You may be juggling your life events, with family, work, and fun. Your health may be ‘out of balance’ and you can’t find a happy medium to move forward. Your equilibrium may be off, where you lose your balance and may fall. Maybe your weight fluctuates, and you become frustrated. Our morals and how we treat others are a large part of looking at how it affects our balance. Our beliefs can affect us in many ways that if we change them, we can change our outcomes.

Whichever way your life may be out of balance my suggestion is to look at the situation from another’s eyes. Sometimes we focus so much on what the ‘challenge’ is that we can’t see past it and create the balance we desire.

For me, it has been mostly based on my emotional stability. I share my journey of overcoming my mental illness symptoms and that I am now medication-free. This didn’t happen so easily. I first had to acknowledge what the situation was and why I was so out of balance. It turned out it was due to my relationships and how I was treated, but worse, how I reacted to that treatment. We have choices around how we react to everything. I was so insecure that I reacted the only way I knew how. The feelings were so overpowering that I was hurt every time and became suicidal. I had to learn how to “put the oxygen mask on first”.

It took losing my husband to cancer in February 2020 and moving due to financial struggles that I took another look at my life and created the balance I so desperately needed. I never thought I could be self-sustaining but am proud of myself because I am doing everything necessary to live my life alone and afford my house and car for the first time at age 63. 

My goal is to help others create balance in their lives so they can create the happiness and success they desire. Sometimes when we are stressed by our situations, we can’t see how to make the necessary changes to create the desired effects. Part of my system is to help recognize these barriers preventing you from moving forward. 

You want to become centered and grounded, and there are many ways to do so.

I have a simple meditation which I will summarize here. Put your hand on your heart and if possible, your feet flat on the ground.  Picture roots growing from the bottom of your feet into the center of the earth. Then bring the earth’s energy back up through your feet and through your body. Follow it up out the top of your head and into the universe. Bring the energy from the universe into the crown of your head and through your body where the energy centers in your heart. As you do this, take your time and imagine it going through every part of your body to absorb the energy fully. When you are complete, take a few deep breaths. 

Sometimes we must find a distraction and shift the focus off what we are trying to balance. For some, it is as simple as shopping therapy or finding a hobby that makes you happy. I love doing jigsaw puzzles because it is a form of meditation. While I’m concentrating on finding the pieces my mind is free to receive messages that I wouldn’t easily hear otherwise.

Whatever it is for you, my prayer is that you can step into balance this fall and create a life by design as I learned from my mentor, Joel Bauer. By doing this, we create the best self we can be so we can be of service to others.

RHG MagazineTM - September 2021 © All rights reserved.

For me, it has been mostly based on my emotional stability. I share my journey of overcoming my mental illness symptoms and that I am now medication-free. This didn’t happen so easily. I first had to acknowledge what the situation was and why I was so out of balance. It turned out it was due to my relationships and how I was treated, but worse, how I reacted to that treatment. We have choices around how we react to everything. I was so insecure that I reacted the only way I knew how. The feelings were so overpowering that I was hurt every time and became suicidal. I had to learn how to “put the oxygen mask on first”.

It took losing my husband to cancer in February 2020 and moving due to financial struggles that I took another look at my life and created the balance I so desperately needed. I never thought I could be self-sustaining but am proud of myself because I am doing everything necessary to live my life alone and afford my house and car for the first time at the age of 63. 

My goal is to help others create balance in their lives so they can create the happiness and success they desire. Sometimes when we are stressed by our situations, we can’t see how to make the necessary changes to create the desired effects. Part of my system is to help recognize these barriers preventing you from moving forward. 

You want to become centered and grounded, and there are many ways to do so.

I have a simple meditation which I will summarize here. Put your hand on your heart and if possible, your feet flat on the ground.  Picture roots growing from the bottom of your feet into the center of the earth. Then bring the earth’s energy back up through your feet and through your body. Follow it up out the top of your head and into the universe. Bring the energy from the universe into the crown of your head and through your body where the energy centers in your heart. As you do this, take your time and imagine it going through every part of your body to absorb the energy fully. When you are complete, take a few deep breaths. 

Sometimes we must find a distraction and shift the focus off what we are trying to balance. For some, it is as simple as shopping therapy or finding a hobby that makes you happy. I love doing jigsaw puzzles because it is a form of meditation. While I’m concentrating on finding the pieces my mind is free to receive messages that I wouldn’t easily hear otherwise.

Whatever it is for you, my prayer is that you can step into balance this fall and create a life by design as I learned from my mentor, Joel Bauer. By doing this, we create the best self we can be so we can be of service to others.