RHG Magazine September 2021 | Page 43

a life partner, a caregiver and anyone who wishes to understand this stage of life as closely as possible.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our readers today to help them step forward in their lives more powerfully?

Life is not always a piece of cake but when we agree to pay attention to the signs and synchronicities offered to our senses in daily life, we can find a lot of meaning in our challenges, to transform them in understanding, compassion and wisdom.

Become the observer of your own destiny. Design each day in the unique shape of spreading happiness inside and outside. One breathes at a time, I cannot recommend enough to dedicate your awareness to meditation a few minutes per day.

~Will you share a client

success story?

There was a time one woman was fighting to come back in her life at peace and healed from breast cancer: Sabrina, mother of two beautiful children is also a teacher for young children. We met during a week of healing program in mountains in 2020 while I was part of the therapists’ team. Her story touched my heart, I felt her deep desire to dive into creative expression. A few months after, Sabrina agreed to be part of the book I too lived it, an anthology composed with twelve chapters written by breast cancer survivors, that has become an international best-seller. Not only she wrote her chapter as a co-author, but she also created the drawing on the cover book! Sabrina is to me the wonderful example of how a woman in love with life, herself and her beloved family found her way to heal and to transcend her experience with cancer as a new beginning to give voice to her soul!

~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our readers today to empower them to SHINE?

You don’t need to know everything before trailing the new chapter of your life. Get started then after the first step the new one will appear. When you meet shadow, embrace it as a blessing to find the side of light. Allow yourself to be facilitated by a coach or a therapist to activate your resilience and your inner resources at their best for your evolution. Get to know you real motivations. Ask yourself if your motivations are really yours or belong to someone else around you or in your genealogy. A real motivation is a great fuel for making your dreams and projects become real.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?

The voice of our way is sometimes long overdue. However, it is not weak, it is our internal hubbub and the one we surround ourselves with that mask it. Have faith in your path. It is revealed to you at the rhythm of your silences.

For more information, Sophie can be reached at

www.alpesmeditation.com or www.sophieroumeas.com