RHG Magazine September 2021 | Page 42

Meet Sophie Roumeas: Therapist, coach in mindfulness, Writer

and Transformational Coach

Ready to be inspired by another amazing author? Here's another inside peek into the life of one of our contributors. Jaimie Harnagel is a Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner and Crystal Intuitive, as well as an Author. Her chapter in Rebecca's book, The Animal Legacies, is titled "Paw Prints on My Soul."

Her purpose is to empower other women to live vibrant lives. Her mission is to share joy and love. Let's hear more about this vibrant woman and her chapter in this inspirational book...

~Share something you are passionate about:

I am dedicated to facilitating the personal growth. There is no one way to achieve our life purpose as we are shaped by our emotions, our beliefs, our behaviors, our spirituality and our trust but also fears, doubts... 

By using family constellations in my practice, I realized that there is almost always someone hidden behind our blockages, limitations and sabotage: this is what we call “invisible loyalties”, aware of it or not, to our ancestors but also to our partners, loved ones, educators… since childhood. 

Helping people to be at peace with their family tree and to unveil their personal destiny is part of my passion and mission

~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?

I am currently working to the second version of a digital summit called Healing the Family Tree for Fall season. We’ll be merging disciplines and expertise of practitioners to offer live experiences for our attendees.

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, I Too Lived It (the original title in French: J’ai vécu la même chose que toi):

This French anthology compiles twelve unique

stories told by young women storytellers, poets,

artists, mothers, sisters, committed friends…

All have one thing in common: they have lived

the ordeal of breast cancer, and have walked

the road to recovery with courage, determination,

sometimes doubts and often suffering, but

always with the deep motivation to come back.

This intimate book is meant to be an

inspiring traveling companion with quotes

throughout the chapters, for a friend, a parent,

a life partner, a caregiver and anyone who wishes to understand this stage of life as closely as possible.

Animals are not just sharing space, but, given a chance, they can become our emotional support, our comfort, our protectors, and even our spiritual advisors. So, I think they can be anything and everything for us.

What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?

1. To be very careful about what they think, and that they don’t let negative thoughts sink into their subconscious.

2. To go with the flow and not have to always be in control.

3. To live a life of purpose by GIVING or SERVING especially when they are feeling less than…and insecure.

~Will you share a client success story?

Kim contacted me because she was struggling with depression and guilt from choices she had made in her life. We began by crafting her story, identified the traumas, then walking together down the path to healing naturally. After just eight weeks of coaching she was being set free from the traumas of her past and was well on her way to complete healing.