RHG Magazine November 2020 | Page 8

Meet Shauna Cuch: Founder of Journey Into the Heart and Conscious Community Partners

Join us in welcoming Shauna Cuch to our pages! Shauna came from oppression as a former polygamous wife and mother of 11 children. Widowed at forty-two with six children still home, she earned Mother of the Year from the Governor for starting a food service business to support her family rather than seek assistance.

As the founder for Journey into the Heart, her mission is to heal generations of negative emotions from ancestral patterns, family

imprints, that stuck emotions causing illnesses. Her purpose is promoting loving relationships by uncoupling men and women from unhealthy controlling and co-dependent entanglements and have more open communication, deeper love, and ignite the flame thru intimacy. Read on to learn about Shauna's passions and the book she is releasing to share her heart and further her message...

~Share something you are passionate about:

There are so many people struggling in their relationships. I am passionate about helping people understand the science that we only know 10% of who we are the other 90% is running our lives. That we all have a choice to listen to the eternal call of the soul and raise our consciousness to a new level . Awareness opens the heart and puts us in the driver’s seat as the creator of our life.

~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?

I give a free masterclass, online seminars, mentoring program, relationship courses, ancestral family constellation workshops, and intensive inner work retreats. I also do keynote speaking about it and podcasts when invited.

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Big Souls Make Big


This is a privileged time to be alive! Since 2012, the earth has been shifting into a higher consciousness. This is bringing up our unconscious soul wounds that we have been packing around in our energy field for years. It is a time of healing and resolution, a time for these ancient wounded voices of shame, blame, and guilt, to be heard and witnessed so that we can move on to a new energy and frequency of love, light and truth.