It is your blueprint. It’s the guiding light for everything you do. It is the catalyst for creating a successful, vibrant business!
What would you love your business to be? Spend time visioning. Pick one area that is not quite what you want it to be. Ask – what would I love. Stay out of current circumstances i.e. what’s going on in the world. Write it in present tense as if it is already true. In as much detail as you can. Use all five senses.
Step 2 – Habits
Once you have a vision, you can start building it. This may cause some comments from your subconscious thoughts. Your thought habits.
Your subconscious thoughts can shrink you into the depths of despair or propel you to greatness.
95% of our day is being run by our subconscious thoughts. 70% or more of these thoughts are disempowering, self-sabotaging, and limiting.
This is where doubt starts. Doubt turns to worry. Worry turns to fear, and you stop.
The key is to notice. You may hear something like “When will I stop having to work every weekend?”
Shift your thought habits to support and be in alignment with your Vision. Create empowering, motivating thoughts that propel you forward toward your vision.
This may become something like “I used to struggle with work-life balance. Now I have a business I love and life I love without sacrificing either.”
Step 3 – Action
Action is the ground wire. It’s what tells the universe – “Yes, I am doing this!”
Empowered action in support of your vision.
Many times we are just spinning our wheels and not getting anywhere or procrastinating which leads to more work and less money.
Look at your vision and ask what can I do today or this week to support my vision? Make a list and then select the top three that will move you forward. Schedule them and do them when scheduled. If doubts creep in reframe them. When those three are complete add three more.
This is exactly what Gina Phillips did. Gina was a people pleaser. As a result, she said yes too often and did not feel comfortable charging what she deserved. She learned to say no and increased her fees and doubled her income.
This is a process. As you do it, it becomes easier.
Use these three keys to turn doubt into empowered action to powerfully and purposefully move forward every day.