The authors in this book express how they dealt with real life situations, big and small, and how they shifted and soared!
~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?
1. Stop going to the closed door! Close and lock it and go through the open door.
2. Get uncomfortable!! All growing and learning takes place outside of our comfort
3. Take those 20 seconds of courage to so something new- because after those 20 seconds
are over, you are not scared anymore!
~Will you share a client success story?
I was on the phone with a co-author and he was trying to play small in life, knowing his purpose was to speak on a large stage. We went round and round on the phone and he kept thinking of something else to move towards in his career.
Finally, I asked him something along the lines of, when are you going to stop holding your gifts back from the world? How long are you going to make everyone wait for you to be READY? How long are you going to play small? He said “I hear you!,” He has made calls, appts, meetings and connections to move forward with his purpose.
I am thrilled to watch him.
~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?
Nobody has the same gift as you! Please do not go your whole life not letting the world see, feel and know your gift. Show the world one person at a time your gift and do more that makes your face shine every single day, so you can light up your soul and anothers.
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?
For more information, Jamie can be reached at
FB: @jaime.ladendorf * LI:
or via email at
to play small in life, knowing his purpose was to speak on a large stage. We went round and round on the phone and he kept thinking of something else to move towards in his career.
Finally, I asked him something along the lines of, when are you going to stop holding your gifts back from the world? How long are you going to make everyone wait for you to be READY? How long are you going to play small? He said “I hear you!,” He has made calls, appts, meetings and connections to move forward with his purpose.
I am thrilled to watch him.
~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?
Nobody has the same gift as you! Please do not go your whole life not letting the world see, feel and know your gift. Show the world one person at a time your gift and do more that makes your face shine every single day, so you can light up your soul and anothers.
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers ?