For more information, Elizabeth can be reached at
FB: @ElizabethClamonspeaker * IG: elizabeth clamon TW: @clamonelizabeth
in their life powerfully?
1. Trust God through the process he is always faithful
2. Don’t be afraid to share your own story to help others overcome
3. Use your story to make a memorable impact and change the world around you
~Will you share a client success story?
Allison came to me knowing she had an impactful story to share and no idea how to share it with others. Through our coaching sessions she not only became a bestselling author but also learned to shard her story from the stage in away that was impactful and relevant to her audience. She was able to encourage her audience to overcome the challenges in their own lives and move them from being frozen with fear to taking action to improve their lives.
~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?
Refuse to let fear keep your story locked inside,
step forward and share your story so that others can learn from your experiences.
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?
Our stories though they may seem over whelming difficult, once told, will help others to see the beauty that God has put in each of us and how He brings it out in our struggles and triumphs through his fierce faithfulness.