Meet Cathy Davis: Founder and CEO of Davis Creative Publishing Partners
A veteran Brand Communicator for over 35 years, Cathy believes we all have a story to tell and it is through our stories that we are able to find our voice, share our wisdom, and make a difference in the lives of others. She helps experts find their voice, share their stories, and publish books that connect people, create community and foster compassionate conversations to bring us together — no matter the diversity of our faith, race, nationality, politics, or gender.
Read on to learn about Cathy's expertise...
~Share something you are passionate about:
Our job is to EMPOWER and INSPIRE. We EMPOWER the author to find their voice and grow their tribe, while we help the author INSPIRE their readers toward action.
~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?
Through our “Inspiring Author” programs which include . . .
* Monthly Lunch & Learns on the second Thursday of each month, 11:30-12:30 where we interview either the vendors who support our Inspiring Authors, or the Inspiring Authors themselves. Join us live, bring your publishing questions, find answers. Visit our YouTube channel for after-event viewing.
* Quarterly Anthologies, like “Engaging Experts”, offer Inspiring Authors the opportunity to use the power of publishing to grow their business and help others at a greatly reduced price through the power of collaboration.
* Individual books written by our Inspiring Authors (experts, speakers, trainers,
consultants) are a great way for the author to step up, stand out, and stay top-of-mind in an ever changing market.
* Our Inspiring Author Book Club Community on Facebook for our authors and aspiring-authors to learn more about the power of publishing.
~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Engaging Experts: Your Guide to the People and Connections You Need to Go from Ordinary to Extraordinary:
Readers will discover new Connections, Collaborations, and Conversations to help them take their business and/or personal life to the next level. others define us. It aims to help readers take a journey within, find themselves, and relate to their “inner being” in an authentic manner to courageously embrace one’s soul and live life to its fullest. Every human interaction is an opportunity for our transformation. Our continued transformation is only hindered by our self-imposed limitations and blind spots. The process of getting ennobled to bring out our noble qualities help us take flight towards our purpose while being anchored to our authentic self.