RGPF Quarterly Newsletter Vol. 1 | Page 4

TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES POLICE WEEK CELEBRATIONS 2014 For the period January 1, 2014 to March 31, 2014, thirty-five (35) Police Officers represented the Force at various training courses, workshops, seminars and meetings regionally and internationally; while one hundred and twenty-one (120) officers attended training courses and workshops locally. Police Week 2014 will be celebrated from June 1st to 7th 2014. The theme for this year’s celebration is “RGPF & YOU WORKING STRATEGICALLY TOWARDS SAFER COMMUNITIES”. The main focus of Police Week Celebrations is to conduct a number of pre-activities in furtherance of the RGPF goals by doing meaningful things which are community focus. ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAMME Presently, a group of fourteen police officers spanning the ranks of Inspector to Police Constable are pursuing an associate’s degree in Policing Studies with education as a special cohort in a joint venture between the RGPF and TAMCC. These officers will form a pool of instructors at the disposition of the Police Training School, since their training and experience cover all material areas of policing th