us to act like thermostats and set the temperature
both in the church and in society”.
That revelation was life-transforming for me. I
realised being a fruitful Christian was not just
about being successful in my career, having great
friends, starting a family or being financially secure.
The mark of a fruitful Christian is knowing Jesus
and making him known.
As Christians, whatever situation we find
ourselves in, we should be determining the
spiritual environment not succumbing to it. So
now when I go into work I have a godly purpose that
is bigger than my happiness, job security and career
progression. Not that these things aren’t important,
but they are secondary to the mission God has for
me as a Christian in Parliament. My mission is to
make God known by influencing the influencers
with godly solutions and godly wisdom.
I can call Parliament my workplace, but every one of
us can make it our mission to permeate the political
environment with the wisdom of God.
We are facing huge challenges as a nation: terror
attacks, Brexit, a hung Parliament, uncertainty on the
global stage, and greater attacks on our Christian
beliefs. The challenge to make Christ known in this
environment seems almost impossible. But if we
choose not to be limited by our surroundings but
are empowered by the Holy Spirit, then we will
see society transformed. ❖
Tackling the Giants is all about empowering and
supporting you so you in turn you can influence
and empower the world around you.
The Politics & Government Forum is being
refreshed, and if you would like to be involved,
please fill out one of our ‘Giants’ flyers or email
[email protected], and we will be in touch.
In my own strength attempting this huge task
would be foolish and ineffective. But with prayer,
intercession and reading of the Word I lean on
God’s voice. I rely on my cell for support and wise
counsel; they keep me encouraged and challenge
me to press on. By treasuring God’s Word in my
heart I strengthen my faith. Romans 12:2 reminds
me every day not to conform to the patterns of this
world but be transformed by the renewal of my
mind to discern what is good and pleasing and
the perfect will of God.
With this as my foundation, I refuse to accept
my environment has more power over me than
God’s promises. When I do this I am equipped to
step out in obedience with the expectation that God
will move powerfully. These acts have been small –
initiating a discussion, offering a different perspective,
or suggesting Christian contacts. But they have led
to issues being debated in the House of Commons
and effective campaigns that have changed laws
to help those most vulnerable.
The great thing about a true democratic society
is that citizens can speak to power and shape
change. The Greek word for democracy “Demos
kratos” literally translates to “people power.” So yes,
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