tackling the giants: Influencing your world
KT member Sarah Thompson shares her experiences
of working at the heart of Parliament.
anding my first job in politics after a five
minute conversation with the right person
at the right time can only be God. Since that
chance meeting my progression in politics has
been one testimony after another of God’s favour.
After starting as a Parliamentary Intern I am
now a Political Adviser to senior MPs.
Sarah – is a cell leader and
works as a political officer
For a while I was happy with my proximity to
politicians, access to confidential information and
opportunities to attend high profile events. As a
Christian in Parliament I thought all I had to do was
be nice to my colleagues, offer my thanks to God
and tell other Christians how God had blessed me
with my dream career. Until one day my faith and my
politics stood in stark opposition to one another.
As I sat in a meeting wondering how to reconcile
the two, I remembered something Colin Dye once
said, “God has not called us to be thermometers,
taking the spiritual temperature. Rather, he wants
22 Revival Times November 2017