Revista simpozionului Eficiență și calitate în educație - 19 mai 2017 Eficiență și calitate în educație | Page 136

which we say , masculine , feminine or neuter form of the nouns , and it has very complicated grammar system .
With the increasingly bilateral exchanges and cooperation between China and Romania in the fields of politics , economy , culture , education and other aspects , we will need more and more people who know both Chinese and Romanian language . Romania and China always have a very good relationship , to know and understand the language of each other could also be necessary to keep the good relationship , exchange and connection between the two countries .
Language itself is the culture of the respective country , when we learn a new language , the differences between the two cultures and languages must be taken into consideration , so as to avoid the inappropriate transfer mistakes . This article briefly analysis some negative transfer phenomenon during Romanian students ’ Chinese learning , especially for the beginners , in order to make the Chinese teachers ’ teaching activity and Romanian students ’ Chinese learning process more effectively and efficiently .
2 . Language transfer phenomenon during Romanian students ’ Chinese learning 2.1 . Phonological transfer When we learn a new language , transfer may take place in all the different areas of the language , such as , phonology , phonetics , semantics , syntax , pragmatics etc . Jarvis and Pavlenko ( 2007 : 62 ) define phonological transfer as “ the ways in which a person ’ s knowledge of the sound system of one language can affect that person ’ s perception and production of speech sounds in another language ”.
When the students learn another new language , they will bring their native accent unconsciously , this is the phenomenon known by all the linguistics , a lot of references also have been made in the field of the language transfer .
For analyzing Romanian students ’ Chinese learning , for the beginners , the phonetic is an important part . I would begin with the phonological transfer .
Romanian is formed from the Latin letters ; it is composed of 31 letters , which are : A / a , Ă / ă , Â / â , B / b , C / c , D / d , E / e , F / f , G / g , H / h , I / i , Î / î , J / j , K / k , L / l , M / m , N / n , O / o , P / p , Q / q , R / r , S / s , Ș / ș , T / t , Ț / ț , U / u , V / v , W / w , X / x , Y / y , Z / z . In comparison with the Chinese Pinyin , which uses 26 letters , there are Ă / ă , Â / â , Î / î , Ș / ș and Ț / ț in plus in Romanian language .
Chinese Pinyin , which we can consider as the phonetic system of the Chinese characters , it is a standard system of Romanized spelling for transcribing the pronunciations of Chinese characters ; it helps people to understand how to read and how to pronounce the respective character . Chinese Pinyin , or Chinese phonetic , is composed of the initials , finals and the four tones , the initials are put at the beginning of the syllable while the finals are put at the end of the syllable .
For any foreigner who wants to learn Chinese , we need to learn firstly the Chinese phonetics . There are 23 initials ( b , p , m , f , d , t , n , l , g , k , h , j , q , x , zh , ch , sh , r , z , c , s , w , y ) and 24 finals ( a , o , e , i , u , ü , ai , ei , ui , ie , ou , uo , ui , üe , er , an , en , in , un , ün , ang , eng , ing , ong ) in Chinese Pinyin .
For the Romanian students , it is not very hard to pronounce the Chinese finals , since a lot of finals , the pronunciation can be found in the Romanian phonetics . But for the initials , teachers should pay more attention when teaching the Romanian students especially when the students pronounce b and p , d and t ; researches found out that these two pairs of pronunciation seems to be the most difficult for the Romanian students to distinguish , for a Chinese student who learns Romanian , these two pairs are also hard to learn .
For the Romanian students , more than half of the beginners ( from the teaching experience ) would make the mistakes in the pronunciation of b and p , d and t in Chinese , basically that is because the negative transfer of the native language .