education paradigms, effective for them, do not end up being appropriate for
our contexts, it is necessary to build them from our experience, with our people
and applying them on our own campuses.
A pedagogy of our own, like the pedagogy of hope of Freire (1993): in
which he mentioned, that "perhaps we have never had in our history such a
great need to study, to teach, to learn, as today" (p. 109); It went viral and was
effective in our America, because it was written, worked and systematized from
It is not that we deny the pedagogical and didactic science built so far
and that, mainly it has been developed under the experiences of Europe, we
respect them and we appreciate that they have been the guiding light of our
educational steps, but it is possible to start from the contributions of research
educational a new pedagogical era for our borders.
Keywords: teacher; education; publisher.
Date Received:
Date Acceptance:
Date Publication:
methods, their didactics and evaluative formulas, -not-. Therefore, first-world