The research pursued the objective of evaluating the presence at the
web platform level of hotel services companies in the area under study. It is
based primarily on the analysis of the cadastre and survey carried out by the
Bahía de Caráquez Extension. The study is structured in three phases, in the
first one the deductive method was applied, which in turn proceeded to
evaluate the web presence from the categories of the hotel companies,
determining that 77% of the companies do not have representativeness to this
level. In the second phase, the SEO audit was performed to measure the level
of optimization through 23 metrics, where in the quadrant exceeded was
represented by a total of 50% correct answers, obtaining 22% of correct
answers in the error quadrant and in the warning quadrant a total of 28%
correct so these can be overcome through specialist in the subject that
contribute to improve the web positioning. The third phase was verified the level
of customer traffic identifying the best evaluated was the Casa del Sol
represented by 100% social networks and Chirije with 89.34% organic traffic,
only 10.66% reached a level of representativeness in social networks, the other
hotel companies remain 100% in organic traffic.
Keywords: traffic; services; management audit.
Date Received:
Date Acceptance:
Date Publication:
Positioning in Search Engines in Hotel Companies of Cantón Sucre:
Ecuador 2018