Revista Scientific Volumen 2 / Nº 4 - Mayo-Julio 2017 | Page 304

Abstract Education strengthens the individual's identity, generating social transformations that improve the quality of life, so this article is to disclose some of the progress of the research work being developed in the school community Llanitos Timotes, which has the general purpose Integrating community knowledge as a learning strategy in educational practice, is based on critical theory, under the guidelines of the Organic Law of Education (2009), resolution 015 of the Vice Ministry of educational Communities and Union with the People. Methodologically was a Participatory Action Research analytical nature, documentary and reflective. As partial results was obtained that the school should project to the community strategies leveraging their knowledge and incorporate the educational process, so that students are more aware of the reality in which they live and appreciate their surroundings. As of reflection and a view to the curriculum transformation it is concluded that the school as a training center not only has the function of transmitting knowledge but also protect the socio-cultural heritage, promote values and knowledge of identity, integrating the community as a source of wisdom to enrich the pedagogical praxis. Keywords: integration; knowledge; culture; values. Date Received: 22-10-2016 Date Acceptance: 12-01-2017 303 Artículo Arbitrado Integration of Knowledge Community Learning as a Strategy in Educational Praxis Community School Timotes los Llanitos