The search for viable and suitable alternatives for a new educational
model adapted to the real and specific needs in each country remains the main
challenge for most people worldwide. Venezuela does not escape from this
process, which is considered a duty in the formulation of new standards related
to processes of educational transformation and encounters, similarities and
differences in the different stages that have been models of conventional
education and Bolivarian education In our country. Much has been achieved in
this regard and are theoretically proposals and research have established
theoretical guidelines such as pedagogical models (Florez, 2008) and
Curriculum Design Bolivarian (2007). Methodologically it was a documentary
research and comparative nature, using as a reference the Pedagogical
University Experimental Libertador (2011), Barrera Hurtado (2010),
Hernández, Fernádez y Baptista (2010) As a result it was found that progress
has been made in the sense of finding not only the differences between the two
proposals, but solutions to elucidate points between conventional schools and
Bolivarian, it is concluded that despite the differences between the Bolivarian
school and conventional alternatives must promote understanding that
contribute knowledge transfer between both to further advance local
educational development as a key strategy in education plans and educational
Keywords: conventional schools; bolivarian school; comparison;
educational proposals; understanding.
Date Received: 30-09-2016
Date Acceptance: 17-11-2016
Education Alternatives in Venezuela
Education Conventional Vs Conventional Education Bolivarian