GESTIÓN 10 años • 10 years que su carga llegue a destino a tiempo y su negocio resulte rentable. Es allí donde nosotros le brindamos una gestión integral en todas sus áreas de operación”. Marítima Avila Group también puede acompañar con asesoramiento por un tiempo estimado al armador a conformar su propio flujo operativo, de manera que, con el tiempo, se vuelvan autosostenibles. Es así como, bajo esta modalidad, el armador termina teniendo una estructura que se ajusta a los parámetros internacionales y al cumplimiento de las normas. “En este momento Marítima Avila Group- atendemos nuestros barcos simultáneamente, manejando el 100% de su operación. Es importante anotar que en este ejercicio debemos encontrar el equilibrio entre las observaciones del armador, que lógicamente va a buscar mejorar su rentabilidad y cuidar su bien; la aplicación del Sistema IGS – SGS y las regulaciones internacionales que señala la OMI; la Gestión Técnica, implica la procura y mantenimiento y el manejo de la tripulación, que tiene responsabilidades pero también derechos que hay que respetar. De manera que es un trabajo de mucha exigencia y responsabilidad, pero nos encanta hacer”. SEGURIDAD PARA LA NAVE Y NUESTRA GENTE DE MAR A partir de la trágica caída de las Torres Gemelas, se activaron nuevos sistemas de seguridad en el mundo y esos nuevos códigos se transfirieron a los buques y la actividad naviera, creando sistemas de protección que se aplican a nivel global aun cuando cada región y país tiene sus particulares aplicaciones a las normativas. Marítima Avila Group trabaja bajo los convenios y certificaciones para Gente de Mar establecidos por la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) que establecen niveles de calidad de vida a bordo y las regulaciones de la Organización Marítima Mundial (OMI) que son mandatorias. Aun cuando hay cambios en las regulaciones de acuerdo a la región del mundo donde navegue Marítima Avila Group realiza un estudio de la embarcación y del puerto de embarque para analizar sus características previo a su llegada, de manera que los posibles riesgos o incidencias sean mínimas y controladas. u Marítima Avila Group: Integral Shipping Management at the service of the world Shipmanagement was born as a result of the need to reorganize the operational management of ships that until the beginning of the last century were carried out autonomously and at the hands of the ship’s captain; and then - with the improvement of communications - initiate a process of rearrangement in its management in order to reduce the administration costs of the ship and make the operation more efficient. M arítima Avila Group offers a service of Management Naviera Integral or Shipmanagement in the national and international scope to all type of ships, as much of Venezuelan flag as Panamanian. Currently certified under the Venezuelan and Panamanian Maritime Administration. Aware of the importance of operating ships under the highest safety standards, we have as a north, to develop and comply with strict Security Policies, Environmental Pollution Prevention and Maritime Protection. At Marítima Avila Group we have developed and implemented our Safety Management System, in accordance with the ISM Code and in compliance with the International Code for the Protection of Ships and Port Facilities (PBIP), as an essential requirement to maintain a safe operation at board of ships under their responsibility. OUR CHALLENGES Those who know the shipping business know that there are 3 large operation groups to consider: The owner or owner of the vessel, the commercial aspect and the technical operation of the process or Shipmanagement. As Captain Rafael Hernández of Marítima Avila Group points out: “There are businessmen who commercially manage a business opportunity, a good cargo and charter ships for their transportation, but their operations are growing so much that the entrepreneur decides to buy his own boat or several and it is there where they are found that they need to comply with international procedures, handle crew and make technical management protocols for which they need the expertise of a Shipmanagement company, that works efficiently those areas in order that their cargo arrive at destination on time and its business cost-effective. This is where we provide comprehensive management in all areas of operation. “ Marítima Avila Group can also accompany with advice for an estimated time to the shipowner to form their own operational flow, so that, over time, they become self- sustaining. Thus, under this modality, the shipowner ends up having a structure that conforms to the international parameters and the compliance with the norms. “At this moment,” says Néstor Mesa, General Manager of Marítima Avila Group-, we attend 5 ships simultaneously, handling 100% of its operation. It is important to note that in this exercise we must find the balance between the shipowner’s observations, which logically will seek to improve its profitability and take care of its good; the implementation of the IGS - SGS System and the international regulations outlined by the IMO; the Technical Management, which involves the care and maintenance and management of the crew, which has responsibilities but also rights that must be respected, because they are lives we must care for. So it’s a job of great demand and responsibility, but one that we love to do. “ SAFETY FOR THE SHIP AND OUR PEOPLE OF SEA Since the tragic fall of the Twin Towers, new security systems were activated in the world and these new codes were transferred to the ships and the shipping activity creating systems of protection of ships that apply at global level even when each region and country has its particular applications to the regulations. Marítima Avila Group