Revista EntreClases Nº 5. Enero 2020 | Page 21

-Do you recommend going to a foreign country to learn a language?

I recommend travelling to a country that interests you. Instead of going to an expensive city and studying a boring course in an academy, why not volunteer or get a short job? That way you have to learn the language and use it from day one. Scary at first but a much better experience.

-Some daily tips to improve our English?

Watch series / films in original version with English subtitles. You will soon get used to it. However, the best way to improve your English is to read a book in English. I recommend “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë. It is a dark classic, very modern, even two and a half centuries later!

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Alumnos de 3º ESO E/F con Carolina Barbero, profesora de inglés