Los alumnos de 3º ESO EF (sección bilingüe) han querido indagar más en la vida de nuestro lector de este año… ¡Fergus! Tenían muchas ganas de conocerle mejor y de que todos sepamos un poquito más de él ya que va a estar con nosotros todo el curso. Para ello, los alumnos se han convertido en unos maravillosos reporteros escogiendo las preguntas más interesantes para Fergus.
Con todo ello nos pusimos manos a la obra y aquí tenemos el resultado… ready, steady… go!
- Is Spain as you had imagined?
No, it’s quite different. I used to have a friend from Valencia in my school and he told me some things of Spain, so when I was younger I wanted to visit this country
- Is there any reason why you decided to live in Spain forever?
Yes, I fell in love
-We know you speak many languages, which ones?
What was the most difficult for you to learn?I speak Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, French and English. Japanese was the most difficult one. If you want to have at least a B1 level in Japanese you’ll have to study one thousand hours!
- You have tried food from many different countries so, could you tell us which is your favourite one?
I think Japanese food is quite interesting. I don’t like sushi because it’s too sweet but I ate lots of noodles and “stew” (which is a typical Japanese food), also mushrooms. In fact, I grow Japanese mushrooms at home since they are very difficult to find in shops.
-Do you think pupils in Spain are different from pupils in the UK?
I don’t. I think pupils in both countries are very similar. In general I think our countries get along very well together.
"I think our countries get along very well together"