Revista El Cabás Nº 30 Curso escolar 2021-2022 | Page 17

Lnterdum masvbrs.

Nullam augue eros, rhoncus at augue semper, finityjgnbus sili huturik elementum nibh. Aliquam quis non mattis dui, egtuet hendreryjuit diam siam. Pellentesque posuejte neque nisl, quis mon elementfghum magna etis atis animatis

interdum masvbrsa. Nullam augue eros, rhoncus at augue semper, finityjgnbus huturik elementum nibh. Aliquam quis mattis dui, egtuet hendreryjuit diam. Pellentesque posuerjte neque nisl, quis elementfghum magna rutrum at. Suspendisse interdum faucibus purus, sed posuere lectus ornare semper. Morbi ante erat, tincidunt quis ornare vel, consectetur iyfgujd ipsum. Sed porta viverra orgci, id tempus erat finibus etufgyu. Mauris ut sollicitudin nhkuibh. Fusce congue viverra convallis. Sed mi libero, maximus afghc feugiat vitae, accumsan ifjbd lacus.Suspendisse potenfghti. Nulla scelerisque enim luctus, maximus.

Nam volutpat tincidunt mollis hendreryjuit diam siam ellentesque

Every year, between 50 and 100 million of vertebrate animals are used to test different kind of products on them, like cosmetics, to prove if they can be used in persons. After they use them, the animals are sacrificed.

From my perspective, thanks to these experiments, we have advanced very much in science, but, at what price? They are living things just like us, and I don´t think their lives have to be ended because of our whims.

I think there are a lot of ways we can progress in science without needing to kill a poor animal. For example, actually, there are some brands of cosmetics that don´t use animals to produce more secure products. How? Easy: with cell crops, safety testing on raw materials or even computer models. Thanks to the new technological advances, we can create cruelty-free products.


Paula Santos 1º Bachillerato



Many people enjoy watching football or tennis matches, you could say that those players are really good, but do they really deserve to be paid millions of euros? From my point of view, they don’t.

It’s true that they are better tan others because they are professionals and many people buy tickets to see matches in stadiums, but anybody can kick a ball with their legs or any other body part.

I always think that instead of paying that much to them, they could use that money for other useful things, like helping people in need, fixing buildings, roads and many other choices. Other alternatives could be that sportspeople use about half of their money, for example, for charity because most of them just spend money on luxury cars and houses or high quality clothes that in fact they don’t really need.

In conclusión, that money could be used for any other better things.